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Contact us

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When you enter the "Contact Us" page, you have become an honored person of our Bangnuo, and we sincerely welcome your visit! Bangnuo understands customers with heart and touches customers with emotion. You can contact us in the following ways.

Guangdong Shunde Belino Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86 0757-22818555

Tel: +86 0757-22818555


Add: No.8-1 Northern Jiefang East Road, Xichong Village, Lunjiao,Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China

Wechat QR Code

No.8-1 Northern Jiefang East Road, Xichong Village, Lunjiao,Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China

Tel: +86 0757 22818555

Fax: +86 0757 22818555

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